Hey there, are you looking for a good Fitness Center(GYM/헬스장) in Daeyeon-dong, Busan? Introduce "Rainbow Fitness Center"._[Paran Sori]운동·건강 2021. 5. 10. 22:09반응형
It's Me, Paran Sori. Hellop~! Paran Sori Here~!
I'm 20s Korean, living in Busan.
and also blogger writes about health, exhibitions in Busan, good books and etc!
I remembered it when I was writing, but many foreign friends come here, whether they travel or study abroad, right?
So I don't know what you guys want, but I'm going to write down all the information I can tell you from my perspective as a Korean!
If you have any questions, feel free to leave comments!
I'll do my best to make sure you're comfortable with it!
Anyway, the first content I'm going to write about is what I'm confident about right now.
Among the gyms in Daeyeon-dong, Busan, I will introduce the gym I go to.
I've been around 5 or 6 places, and this place has the best balance.HAHA Let'go~~
Paran Sori is babel exercising " UP! DOWN!" "Hoo Hah!"
This is the interior of the Rainbow Fitness Center in Daeyeon-dong where I go.
I couldn't film it because there were a lot of people, but I'll add it when I think of it little by little.<Location>
the exterior of the building with the fitness center. Rainbow fitness center located on the 6th floor of Seung Building across from Daeyeon Art Box Building.
It is really close to Kyungsung University Pukyongdae Station. Within five minutes of walking distance. I think I'm well positioned.
There is an Adidas store on the first floor, and I remember giving a 10% discount only to customers who use the fitness center.
Besides that, I don't remember if it was Pagoda at an English academy (?), but I remember they also gave me a discount in connection with that place.
Rather than using it for this reason, it's a 'sub' benefit, so it's okay to ask if you're curious.
I don't point out those parts when I consult with them.
and there are some good cafes nearby for take-out purposes.
Aven Dutch is also nearby, and there is a mammoth express cafe on the first floor of Seung Building.
To burn fat before going into the gym.It wasn't bad to buy one by one and exercise while drinking it.
Strangely, they never tell us the price in advance, but they show us the tickets when we visit, which I think is a sales strategy.
I don't remember seeing the price tag because it was a long time ago, but I bought a one-year pass and the price was 360,000 won."12 months (1 year)" = 360,000 won (almost 323.5$)
Due to Corona, the use of spaces such as fitness centers was not smooth, so passes were sometimes discounted.
I think we've seen up to 70%.
In fact, you have to come and check how much it actually sticks.
The following are the prices of the most recently identified period pass:1 month = 120,000 won (almost 107.8$)
3 months = 270,000 won (almost 242.5$)
6 months = 300,000 ~ 330,000 won (almost 270 ~ 296.5$)
12 months (1 year) = 360,000 won (almost 323.5$)This happens, strangely, the difference between six months and a year is only 30,000 won, so if you were going to do it for half a year, it would have been better to do it for a year.
And I remember mentioning "transfer" in the terms and conditions of the contract.
"You can transfer to others, but if you want to transfer, you can transfer it to a fitness center for 10,000 won under the same concept as a penalty."I remember seeing it as
-PT(Personal Training)-
Of course, the above pass does not include personal lessons such as PT.
The PT lesson fee was on sale at the time of my application, in order of 10 times / 20 times / 30 times.
I heard that an acquaintance who applied a month before I applied was 900,000 won for 30 times.
For your information, if you apply for PT lessons, you will automatically receive one month's worth of pass per 10 times calculated calculations."PT 20 times (acquired two additional months of gym tickets)"
= 850,000 won (almost 763.5$)
(*But if you're already using a pass (if you're only using a gym without a PT), it'll be good to ask if you can get an additional 2 months depending on the event period or teacher's consultation.)
An acquaintance takes 30 PT lessons while using the gym for free for three months at 900,000 won.
If you want to go around properly, and you're going to learn a little bit of exercise, rather than cutting your pass right away,
It would also be a good idea to apply for 20 to 30 PTs, which are equivalent to 2 to 3 months' worth.
Even if you don't know how to exercise, or if you think you're doing it right, there's an expert next to you.
There is a huge difference between looking at the posture and guiding. You'll feel it even if you get it in OT for just one day.* WAIT! *
"What is OT meaning in Fitness ??"
Orientation, Approximate description of how to use the gym or the equipment.
The space where I am standing now is PT personal space. Personal trainers can also teach you simple stretching or exercise through instruments. However, if you already know how to exercise, or if the amount itself is burdensome, you can just buy a pass.
If you ask your trainers to use OT after hanging up, they will tell you how to use simple exercise equipment and posture.
And even if it's not OT, if you don't know the posture from time to time, if you hold on to the passing trainers and ask them, they kindly tell me everything. So far none of the people have refused. Be nice to everyone. LOL
-Public sportswear/towels and personal lockers-
The use of public sportswears and towels is included in the cost of the pass.
Personal locker use can be calculated as one month or one year's worth."Public sportswear (the by the one I am wearing among the pictures above)
& Towel (two for one person)" = Included in the cost of the pass~
"Use of personal lacquer" = 5,000won/1month (almost 4.5$) or 50,000won/1year (almost 45$)
I don't know if an individual has a gym suit, but I sweat a lot, so I should have worn it when I thought about changing every time.
It's included, but I'm still using it because I think it's going to be less expensive or hard work.Shoes and toiletries are in there. Two of us might be able to use it tightly. In the case of a personal locker, two people did one in my case, but the size of the locker is not very large.
A pair of fitness shoes and small shower items (hair/body shampoo/towel) are available.
The other person exercises wearing the same shoes that he originally wore outside.
If you're thinking of putting in two shoes, the shampoos might barely fit in.
In the case of personal lockers, if you plan to carry shoes or toiletries, you don't have to use them.
I used it because I had a little distance, and I was lazy to carry it every time.Hallways to the side of rest-rooms inside of rest-room(male)
<Complete Review>
People used it a lot, so 4.5 is a shame! I took a year off in mid-June 2020 (last year), so far I have been going for more than eight months except for breaks. I haven't been to the fitness much so far, and I've been to one more near my home, and compared to that, the total reputation deserves to be high. Unfortunately, there are a lot of people who use it as much as they like.
- Cost: If you think about the long haul, it costs between 30,000 won and 35,000 won a month.
- Facilities: The equipment is a bit black and doesn't look hectic, it's fine. Some appliances sometimes cause problems or wear out, but they'll be repaired quickly when requested. There's nothing wrong with exercising. Other than that, toilets and showers are not old, and moderately good (although some of the public lockers don't see the keys). Neither - there is no significant disruption to utilization.
Oh, I'm supposed to have toilet paper pulled out in the middle of the bathroom, but I don't know if that's the case with the ladies's bathrooms. This is a little frownier than I thought. - Trainers: Even if you don't have to use PT, you'll be kind enough to ask questions from time to time or how to use it. Even if it's not trainers, if you ask the person next to you to let you know, they'll let you know everything they know. 'Cause that's the 'hell-changs'.
- A great tip on usage time: There are a lot of people in general.
In terms of age, people in their 20s and 30s are the most common, and people in their 40s and 50s are sometimes seen.
Near the side of the fitness equipment, the "Spinning", "Zumba Dance" and "Pilates" areas are also separated, and I don't know because I've never applied there.
Anyway, people usually come after work, so people are crowded from 6 p.m. to 12 p.m. (now only until 10 p.m. because of Corona).
It's like renting one unit per person.- Use the morning hours if possible. (There is no major inconvenience in using between 8 a.m. and 12 a.m.)
- If you have no choice but to use it in the evening, you may want to use it as early as possible. Because people are very crowded at certain times.
- In terms of days of the week, Saturdays are the most crowded overall, followed by Mondays, and the rest, with Friday evenings and Sunday evenings slightly less. For your information-
See You~! Paran Sori Was it haha
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